The PROMENADE project
PRocessing MEtaphors: Neurochronometry, Acquisition and DEcay

The ERC-funded project PROMENADE (PROcessing MEtaphors: Neurochronometry, Acquisition and Decay), PI Valentina Bambini, was launched on January 1, 2023. The overarching objective of PROMENADE is to shape a comprehensive account of metaphor processing, starting from theoretical grounds in linguistic pragmatics and embracing a multidisciplinary program of empirical research on the brain electrical response, the acquisition patterns in typical development and the impairment in clinical groups. In particular, the project seeks to ascertain the role of mental images in metaphor, whether we ‘picture’ metaphorical meanings, how these sensory representations interact with propositional inferencing, and whether multimodality helps or hinders comprehension across populations. PROMENADE includes four WPs.
WP1 – Figurative Archive
It aims to create an open access archive of figurative language expressions, hosting crafted as well as ecological metaphors and their psycholinguistic norms, in addition to promoting a campaign to increase metaphor awareness in society (#trovalametafora).
WP2 – Neurochronometry
It aims to chart the electrical activity during the metaphor comprehension processes through the use of the EEG technique. Experiments will focus on identifying stages of metaphor processing (#metasteps) and capturing mental imagery processes.
WP3 – Acquisition
It aims to track down the developmental processes that lead to a full-fledged adult-like competence in metaphor understanding via cross-sectional and longitudinal EEG studies in middle childhood, in addition to promoting metaphor skills via the MetaCom training (#metamar).
WP4 – Decay
It aims to look inside the black box of metaphor comprehension impairment and identify which mechanisms are disrupted across clinical groups. The project focuses metaphor decay in schizophrenia and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

The PROMENADE team includes the whole NEPLab. In addition, the team includes Daniela Ovadia as Ethics Advisor.
Read more about the project on the EU website
Read more about PROMENADE on the RaAM newsletter (May 2023) (PDF or COMPLETE ISSUE)